22 September 2008


And now the later fruits of summer begin...the pears & plums and the first of the apples.


  1. We got a grand total of 1 pear this year, although we've just trimmed the tree back which apparently might help. Last year I bought a dehydrator off Craigslist and had dried pears in my oatmeal all winter and spring.

  2. I "inherited" a dehydrator from a neighbor I had once who had kept one in a box for 20 years and never used it - crazy! It's going ot be a sad year for apples here. Sorry to hear about your pears.

  3. I think there must be some kind of trick to it, because the one branch that overhangs the neighbour's yard had 5 or 6 good pears on it. Maybe you have to shake the blossoms or something to help with pollination (I've heard that this helps with tomatoes).

  4. cath, that, I believe is a wives tale..but the trick is the temperature and the branch overhanging the yard probably had some extra protection from the fence to create a little micro-climate. Shaking the blossoms with tomatoes is only necessary if you grow them inside where there is no wind (however and interested cat or a dog tail serves just as well :) ).


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