21 September 2007

Last Field Excursion

Calving Glacier

Our last field trip of the year to collect oceanographic samples proved to be glorious with plenty of sunshine and few animals willing to show us their stuff. We saw seals, sea otters, orcas, and a myriad of birds. And we pulled up a couple of jellies on our equipment unintentionally - they made a mess. Luckily, one of our interns & one of our volunteers were around to tag along and see what the place they've been staring at through the glacier cam all summer looks like up and personal.

A male killer whale (you can tell by the height of the fin) with a wavy fin.

Yours truly (in the yellow cap) pulling up the plankton nets

A glacier cam in the wild (spiky thing on highest point)


  1. Do you know how cool you are? I think you have the coolest job in the world! Orcas? Oh, jealousy! I'm coming to visit.

  2. You pictures help bring another world into focus. I'm curious was there a sound or a smell that made an impact on you as well?

    When I visit new places I try to take as much into memory as possible. Pictures stimulate the memory, but the don't tell the whole story.

  3. Oooh! It's you. Neat.

    I am so wanting to see an orca in his own habitat. The one we saw at the Marine World was absolutely the saddest creature I've ever laid eyes on. It made me cry to see her like that..... Thanks for what you do to keep their habitat healthy...

  4. Do you know how amazing it is to come to your site and look at these photos. The sights you see?

    an orca. a glacier...

    oh man....

  5. i love all your pictures. they are like a glimpse into another world...

  6. Ye gods, gorgeous photos! Wonderful, thank you for the glimpse. *s*

  7. liv ~ sounds good! Just let me know when!

    ms chica ~ by the glacier there is the amazing sound of calving, thunderous, and of the glacier talking, creaking, rumbling. It smells of ice, a smell I'm not sure i can describe other then it smells old and cold. There was alos the sound of tinkling as the little bitty bergs rubbed against the boat as if it were a straw in a glass of ice water. Sorry, I didn't post more on it...I was tired after a long day in the field.

    orangebloosoms ~ awww! Well, I can only do it if people like you think it's important enough to do that we can get the funding.

    crazymumma ~ umm.. just starting to fully realize it through all of your comments.

    maypole & irrelephant ~ thank you!


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